Two Years Blogging!

It has been two years since I started this blog; time does pass by quickly!  I started this blog after some urging of my cousin and then it took another two years before I got the nerve to start it. 

At the time a lot was going on in my sister’s family and my husband was spending the summer building a deck and ramp for my sister and her husband; so I was alone a lot with time on my hands.  I signed up for “The Sketch Book Project” and started drawing after almost 40 years of not drawing and decided to do a craft fair.Craft Show 11.18.11 006  That summer and fall, I spent a lot of time making button flowers , aprons, beaded watch bands and I ordered “Moo” cards to go with each item sold.  Nothing sold.Miscellaneous 033  But that was okay, I enjoyed the experience.  I also decided it was much more work than I wanted to put into for such a uncertainy.  I was blogging all my creative experiences and having fun doing it and that was enough. 

Aprons 004I have moved on to other projects, Kumihimo, Viking knit and Peyote Stitch, it’s all part of growing creatively.  I have met a lot of new friends who are creative and share simular interests, partly through this blog, but also because of the newer creative projects I have learned.   I am thinking of making Christmas gifts, something to focus on with a goal.  And one thing that I have come to enjoy is the blogging; I like writing about the projects I have accomplished and things I find interesting.  Viking Knit 002


It’s all good!  Thank you WordPress!  🙂

The Craft Show progress

  These are the four frames ink pictures I have done for the craft show on Friday.  The hope was to have several matted ink drawings as well, but that just hasn’t happened.

I still have more button flowers to make, but this is the only completed one so far.

So, if you haven’t been keeping tract, this is what I have so far.

  • 4 child aprons
  • 3 adult aprons
  • 4 framed pictures
  • 5 watch bracelets
  • 1 button flower arrangement

I know, it sounded like more in my head too.  But if I sell it all, I will be happy and if not, Christmas is coming soon and will make great gifts.

I may also bring my equipment for drawing and cut a few mats to bring and if I get any done, I can put them together while at the craft show.  I will want to fill in some of my time there with something other than just sitting, I can draw.

7 to 4 on Friday at Backus Hospital.  Hope to see you there!

One item for the craft show . . . so far!

This has to be one of my favorites; I have drawn this in different dimensions and this is the first time I framed it.

I am getting ready for the craft show in November, the plan is to have a few pictures framed and several matted.  So far I have one framed!  It’s a start and I am aware that I need to get busy.  I don’t want to be rushing around at the last minute in a panic; not right before the holidays start.  I do have a couple of pictures waiting to be matted and about 30 button flowers waiting to be finished.  And about eight aprons (a mix of child and adult sizes) waiting to be sewn; they are already cut out.  So I have been working on this project of mine; just not near done.

I think coming up with a price tag for this art will be the hard part.  I want them to sell, but I also don’t want to sell myself short either.  Any suggestions are welcome!

I  also have a new project due at the end of October.  My granddaughter asked me to help her do an “at home” project; a scarecrow made from a brown paper bag and decorated to her heart’s desire.  Since I have the supplies tucked away somewhere here in my studio, I guess I am the best person to ask for help on it.  I am delighted to!  And yes, I do have the supplies to make the scarecrow look like a scarecrow!  I will show you pictures as we go, coming soon!

We won’t mention Christmas cards, I make them and have not started yet.  Another good reason to get the craft show items done.

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend!  ~ Julie

A Card and more . . .

I made this card this morning, its for a gift which I can’t show you yet since the recipient hasn’t received it.   I hope I am not giving anything away by showing you the card.  I am anxious to show you the gift that goes with this card, but I will have to wait just a bit longer before I do.  The card reads: “Love is not a feeling, but a commitment.  Love is wonderful when shared.  Love gets better with age.  Love, Love, Love . . .  It’s all about Love!”


I have some news to share, in November, I will be participating in a craft show.  It’s my first ever!  I am excited but I have a lot of work to do before then.  Lots of aprons to make, button flowers to twist, pictures to draw and mount and a few to frame and I am not sure if I will add anything to this list, but if I do, you know I will post it on here when it’s done!

The sun is out, nice blue sky and a chill in the air.  Yes, autumn is very near indeed!  Have a great week and until next time, remember to have a little fun in your life!  🙂

Waiting . . . . again!

This afternoon, my husband and I had to meet two school buses.  At 3pm, it was my granddaughter’s sister who is in middle school.  One hour later, it was my granddaughter’s turn to get off the bus.  In between the two buses, I got out my little drawing kit and inked!  It passed the time.  The house next door had an old mail box and lamp stand and a lot of bush, the kind that takes over everywhere.   So I drew the mail box and lamp stand and showed it to my husband and he says; “aren’t you going to draw the bushes and trees?”  So, I started drawing the greenery and since my granddaughter’s bus arrived, I never finished it.  We went to McDonald’s after they were picked up until their mother got home.

Since I seem to do a lot of waiting these days, I should have a category called waiting, I think I will add it.

Good night all and maybe I will see you tomorrow!

Time out from “Spring” cleaning!

School starts tomorrow and today I started my “spring” cleaning, I know its really summer and that autumn is just around the corner; but to me, this is the best time to weed out the outdated and unused items and get into those nooks and crannies and clean.  I think it goes back to when my boys were in school and after a long hot and humid summer with no real structure to my schedule, it was a welcome time when school started and I could get to those things I couldn’t during summer vacation.  So the tradition continues on.

I haven’t gotten very far, but I did start and completed a closet.  So this evening while my husband tries out his new computer game he got from his oldest son for his birthday, I decided to pick up my pen and draw.  This is what I have so far, it’s not finished yet, I haven’t added water colors to it yet or did the third layer to it.  But I couldn’t blog without having a picture to show, so unfinished as it is, here is the visual.

And to my teacher friends and the children I know that are all going back to school tomorrow, have a good year and enjoy your first day back!


Yesterday I had another opportunity to wait, not as prepared as I was the day before, but I did have my pad and pen with me that I carry in my pocketbook.  So I got it out and looked around for something to draw and there just wasn’t anything interesting to me; maybe because I was in a small waiting room.  I decided to just doodle and even that seemed difficult at first, but I doodled without inspiration.  This is the result, not impressive but it’s what I did yesterday.