Time out from “Spring” cleaning!

School starts tomorrow and today I started my “spring” cleaning, I know its really summer and that autumn is just around the corner; but to me, this is the best time to weed out the outdated and unused items and get into those nooks and crannies and clean.  I think it goes back to when my boys were in school and after a long hot and humid summer with no real structure to my schedule, it was a welcome time when school started and I could get to those things I couldn’t during summer vacation.  So the tradition continues on.

I haven’t gotten very far, but I did start and completed a closet.  So this evening while my husband tries out his new computer game he got from his oldest son for his birthday, I decided to pick up my pen and draw.  This is what I have so far, it’s not finished yet, I haven’t added water colors to it yet or did the third layer to it.  But I couldn’t blog without having a picture to show, so unfinished as it is, here is the visual.

And to my teacher friends and the children I know that are all going back to school tomorrow, have a good year and enjoy your first day back!